It's been a while since I last posted a round-up of favourite discoveries from around the web, so I thought I'd share a few of my latest clicks with you all:
A captivating video by WishWishWish x Nadinoo.
These incredible book sculptures.
This flickr photostream by Alisa Demidova.
This spot-on video, "Just Keep It". Hilarious, and I totally relate! Especially to the dog-eared pages bit.
Seeing a beautifully decorated Ontario home represent on Design Sponge (Not mine though - I wish!).
These absolutely adorable gift bags.
A TARDIS purse? Sad that I didn't snap this up when I had the chance.
Allison's list of 100 great lessons and bits of advice.
An amazingly colourful and interactive art installation.
This beautiful poppy-print dress.
A delicately pretty sleep-set.
Although sadly already sold out, this peplum top via Ruche (If anyone's seen it available elsewhere, do let me know!)
A recipe I would love to try.
Hope you enjoy! And have a wonderful weekend1

I'm so happy you're doing this again! I LOOOOVE that dress so much! I think you knew that though. ;) & how gorgeous is that apartment?!
&... Obviously, thanks for the link!
Oh my gosh I love that wish wish wish video! I love all her videos.
xo Ashley
That recipe from Smitten Kitchen looks divine!
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