It's hard to believe we're almost at mid-August already; it's truly amazing how quickly the summer is passing, although I suppose it feels that way every year. It has been a lovely month so far here on the Island (with the exception of today's rainy weather) and there is so much to be thankful for, that I wanted to share with you all.
So far in August I'm grateful for...
A cuddly sweet niece and nephew who constantly make me giggle and laugh with their hilarious quips and antics.
An afternoon spent at Thunder Cove swimming, jumping, wading and floating in waves which were crashing with whitecaps, and beautiful and amazingly, surprisingly, warm.
My friend Lindsey, writer of an extremely touching, encouraging message that lifted my heart.
A visit from my best friend and her family!
The fact that I somehow managed to bike 42 kilometres (for the first time ever, might I add!) and survived!
And last but certainly not least - having a full day to spend with one of my oldest and dearest friends who almost always gets mistaken for my sister, since we're both redheads - of course! We visited the art gallery and there were all sorts of interesting pieces on display. One of our favourites was a little tent set up with a gritty faux-snow floor and two little painted tree stumps for seats. Inside, a video was playing, about a girl with a papier mâché cake and a troupe of bears singing about losing their teeth - I know it sounds super weird but it was strangely entertaining. Outside this little tent was a line of felt boots, from giant ones down to teeny little ones. I couldn't resist the temptation to try on a pair, and you can see my delight in the photos Pam snapped of my antics. Afterwards we window-shopped in cute Charlottetown boutiques, had a yummy lunch at a favourite local pub, travelled the countryside stopping into a toy factory, an adorable but abandoned little house, and the sweetest shop set up in what was once an old one-room schoolhouse, finally stopping for locally-made ice cream. Wonderful.
What have you been thankful for this recently?

What a treat to see your pretty face again, miss - you are looking positively radiant in those photos from the art gallery :) This month, I'm feeling grateful for a new job that, while demanding, is structured and organised. And for cheeky evenings spent wasting time watching Netflix while I paint my nails.
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