Smart Stripes

Blazer + Necklace: Smart Set Sequin Tank: Joe Fresh Jeans: Old Navy (Sweetheart) Shoes: Dolce Vita Glasses: Love

I headed back to this spot for today's photos. It looks significantly different, mainly because the water surrounding the wharf is frozen over and the fishing boats and lobster traps have been put away for the winter. What's funny is, in my last outfit post in this location I was also wearing stripes, although in dress form. Speaking of which, this new striped blazer is quite literally the most comfortable blazer I have ever had. I snapped it up at Smart Set as soon as I saw it and couldn't be happier. I predict that come summer, it will be one of my mainstays as I picture wearing it with various summer dresses, and over tanks of all kinds.

Also new in this photo? This pair of glasses from Clearly Contacts. Normally I prefer to wear contacts, but lately I've been expanding my horizons with some new styles of glasses to change up my look a bit. I finally took a leap I'd been considering for a while and went for the big, nerdy frames (aka birth control glasses - thanks to MR.) and although this pair probably won't be for everyday wear, they are super fun for a change! I was exchanging a tweet or two just the other day with Alicia, a lovely (and similarly spectacle-sporting) lady about how nice it is that glasses seem to be so trendy lately with such a great variety of styles. It makes life easier for those of us who actually have to wear them all the time to have more options to choose from!

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TSteinitz said...

Looking lovely and chic there sister!

MJ said...

Look at you! I remember a time not so long ago you were nervous about posting outfit posts and wearing red lipstick... now look how fab you are! Beautiful <3 Love the new specs!

A Fine Balance said...

totally loving the blazer! PS I have a Giveaway happening, I hope you’ll stop by to enter. Knock Your Socks Off Giveaway

Cee said...

Birth control glasses - I love it! Mainly because the frames I wear every day are very similar... although they haven't seemed to have that effect! I have to say, and I mean this as the most sincere compliment, that between your frames and striped blazer, this outfit just screams librarian to me. I love it :)

Leah said...

Love the jacket and those flats together! Looking lovely lady!

Melissa Wright said...

Ok that blazer is amazing on you and makes me want to run to Smart Set right now and buy it!!

Rebecca said...

What a sweet look! I am so loving the striped blazer, the cropped length is perfect! How cute are those frames on you!


Katrionagh said...

Those glasses look fantastic on you :) And the proportions of this outfit are great - love a cropped cardigan or jacket over a longer tee.

Anonymous said...

Birth control glasses - I love it! Mainly because the frames I wear every day are very similar... although they haven't seemed to have that effect! I have to say, and I mean this as the most sincere compliment, that between your frames and striped blazer, this outfit just screams librarian to me. I love it :)
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Anonymous said...

Birth control glasses - I love it! Mainly because the frames I wear every day are very similar... although they haven't seemed to have that effect! I have to say, and I mean this as the most sincere compliment, that between your frames and striped blazer, this outfit just screams librarian to me. I love it :)

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